Thursday, November 4, 2010

953 hits ( views ) on ~ Your Political Wings ~ from Spring of 2010 to election day Nov. 2, 2010 !

Note : make sure to see,
click ' Older Posts ' at
the bottom of this page to
see 'How To Start Your Own
( Political Action Committee )

Nov. 4, 2010

I am so glad such a large number have
visited this site since Spring !

May you now be encouraged by the knowledge
you now have to enable you to run for office
or start a PAC.

Keep adding to that knowledge by calling the
FEC, asking for their publications, asking
questions of their specialists and of
your state elections division, searching the
internet, talking to elected office holders,
and attending classes provided by your County
Party Headquarters.

Wow ! What an election ! Republicans
regained the House of Reps. ( 65 seats )
and six seats in the Senate ( Thanks to
Tea party folks ), a bigger win than 1994
and the largest gain since WW2.

Again, thanks to all who came to the website !
I hope the information here encouraged
folks to run for office this year of 2010 after
gaining the valuable knowledge you never knew
before ! Makes you feel empowered doesn't
it ? ! Tea Party/ Reagan Republicans - Let's
keep going for 2012 !