1) How to start your own Non-Connected
Political Action Committee -
a. Raising funds to do your PAC ads
against Democrats anywhere in the
United States.
b. The awesome empowerment a PAC can
c. Contribute PAC campaign donations
to the candidates of your choice.
d. Do ads in support of or promoting
the defeat of U.S.Senate, U.S. House of
Representative, and U.S. Presidential
e. That PACs ( Non-
Connected PACs ) are a great tool
for making a difference !
2) How to do your own ads, as an individual,
with your own unlimited amount of money
against Democrats anywhere in the United
States through 'Idependent Expenditures'
without running for office -
a. For the support of or defeat of
any U.S. Senate,U.S. House of
Representatives, or U.S.
Presidential candidates of your
3) How to run for elected office,
including :
a. How to raise campaign funds -from
where and from who.
4) Sound campaign strategy that win

Friday, December 26, 2008
How To Run For Political Office - U.S. Congress: U.S. House Of Representatives, U.S. Senate ; State or Local Office
( Updated 7/4/13 )
How to run for elected office : U.S. President, U.S. Senate, U.S Congress
(U.S. House of Representatives), State and local office ...
- By David Knittle
Help get America back on track ...
Fiscal responsibility, smaller government,
office holders with integrity and honor, strong national defense, moral fiber,
living a godly example, free market principles leading to strong and sustained
economic growth ...
How to run for elected office : U.S. President, U.S. Senate, U.S Congress
(U.S. House of Representatives), State and local office ...
Repeal the disastrous Marxist Obamacare bill, stop the illegal alien invasion,
and push out the of control liberals Democrats and RINOs...
Get started here.....
Federal Elections Commission ( FEC ) Phone : (800) 424-9530
Commission website - http://www.fec.gov
( Click link at top right of page )
Political Power Tools for fundraising and more !
To run for Federal, State or local office you will need to:
1) Federal office - Call the Federal Elections commission and ask for the candidate's forms/pamphlets packet on running for Congress or U.S. Senate. You can request one for running for President. You can stop the illegal alien invasion by running for office. Encourage your friends to run also.
2) State and local office - To run for local offices such as school board, Mayor, City Council, Water District, County Superviser and State office such as Assembly, Senate, or Governor :
Contact your State Election Division to have the candidate's packet and applications sent to you.Also contact County Registrar of Voters for help. They can help with registered voter lists that you can purchase by city. These lists are great for phone calling and mass mailing your campaign ads and contribution requests to citizens. Political committees ( which you will have when you file to run for office), are exempt from the National No-call list of phone marketing.
3 ) Your County Republican Party Central Committee establishment and Headquarters can help you. Attend your Republican Party Central committee meetings. Meet people there. You do not have to be a Central Committee member to attend ; the public is welcome. Run for Central Committee . These are on the regular ballot for voters to vote for. Expenses to run for this office are not reportable to the State Elections Division - Flyers, door hangings, phone calling voters, etc.
Election results ( winners and losers ) are published in the Orange County Register ( or your own local newspaper ) by Assembly District and number of votes are given.
In Orange County California, there are usually six to eight on the ballot, but as many as want to can run for those six to eight seats available in each Sate Assembly district.
Fundraising :
A. Contrary to many people's opinion, You DO NOT need to rely on Republican Party money to run for office. Purchase registered voter lists by city from your local County Registrar of Voters office. With these lists you can mass mail registered voters and request contributions. You may do this four, two or one year ahead of the year you want to run. You can do it 6 months before you run or whatever time you choose.
B. Contact safe seat elected Republican incumbent office holders and request contributions from them. You can go to [url=http://fec.gov] ( click here ) www.fec.gov[/url]and search any incumbents contribution campaign financial records to see their amount of cash on hand. At the appropriate time, you can contact the incumbents of your choice and request contributions from them.
C. Call the Federal Elections Commission and your State Elections Division and purchase the Federal and State Political Action Committee lists. You can then write to these Political Action Committees and request contributions. Non -Connected PACS are a category of their own, as are Labor PACS. Make sure to get the Non-connected PACs list as well as the others, as they do not need Party permission to give to you.
Remember: Your local Registrar of voter's office sets a deadline for all candidates to register to run. This is the deadline you must have to have your candidate signatures submitted to the Registrar Of Voters. For example in Orange County California, the deadline is usually around the second week in December prior to the election year.
The date for filing to run for office is set by your County Registrar Of Voters. For California 2008 it was Feb- March; the deadline for filing was in March.
You are allowed to campaign even when it is not an election year. At the point you raise or spend $ 1, 000.00 ( 'Thousand dollar Threshhold' ), you must register as a candidate committee and begin filing your expenditure and contribution reports at the appointed times.These are set out in the candidates packet you receive.
a. From the Federal Elections Commission if running for Federal office or
b. From your State Elections Division candidates packet if running for state
Let your community know you are running for office. Conservative radio stations offer great radio ad spots at great rates. Make the illegal alien invasion your main concern in these ads. You can buy bus stop ads at inexpensive rates, also roadside billboard space in your community.
Ask to be a speaker at meetings. Go to local Rotary club, women's clubs, Republican Central Committee meetings and other meetings in your area. Ask radio talk hosts to have you on as a guest .Where ever you are, in the grocery store, at meetings , you name it - hand out your business card: ' Joe Smith For Congress '. Handout fliers at these meetings and in front of grocery stores.
Make sure to advertise that you are standing against the illegal alien invasion and that this is your the utmost concern and vital issue, along with a strong economy
(lower taxes)and a strong national defense.
Ask your local supermarkets to allow you to have a table in front of their store on Saturdays and Sunday afternoons. Keep receipts of all expenses and contributions to your campaign You do not have to be registered to begin. Also, you are allowed by the FEC to be a speaker and promote yourself at 501- C 3 organization meetings.
Contact your County Registrar Of Voters and request a candidate's packet to be mailed to you.
If we are going to get a handle on the number one threat to America's borders , language, and culture - the illegal alien invasion - we must do it ourselves. Americans can defeat the illegal alien invasion. We must have a NATIONAL movement effort all across America to replace those office holders, Federally and on the State levelin every State of the Union, who have failed America. This we have to do by running for office ourselves and by encouraging our friends, family, acquaintances, and qualified like minded to do the same.
Another tip to get experience for running for U.S. Congress, U.S. Senate, Stae or local office - Ask your local U.S. Congressman , U.S. Senator , State Senator or State Assemblyman if you can intern in their
office .
Freshmen ( newly elected ) office holders of State and Federal offices are given a freshman's course when they are sworn in . Also, go to any websites about how the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives operate .GOOGLE 'How Congress Works'.
( Updated 7/4/13 )
How to run for elected office : U.S. President, U.S. Senate, U.S Congress
(U.S. House of Representatives), State and local office ...
- By David Knittle
Help get America back on track ...
Fiscal responsibility, smaller government,
office holders with integrity and honor, strong national defense, moral fiber,
living a godly example, free market principles leading to strong and sustained
economic growth ...
How to run for elected office : U.S. President, U.S. Senate, U.S Congress
(U.S. House of Representatives), State and local office ...
Repeal the disastrous Marxist Obamacare bill, stop the illegal alien invasion,
and push out the of control liberals Democrats and RINOs...
Get started here.....
Federal Elections Commission ( FEC ) Phone : (800) 424-9530
Commission website - http://www.fec.gov
( Click link at top right of page )
Political Power Tools for fundraising and more !
To run for Federal, State or local office you will need to:
1) Federal office - Call the Federal Elections commission and ask for the candidate's forms/pamphlets packet on running for Congress or U.S. Senate. You can request one for running for President. You can stop the illegal alien invasion by running for office. Encourage your friends to run also.
2) State and local office - To run for local offices such as school board, Mayor, City Council, Water District, County Superviser and State office such as Assembly, Senate, or Governor :
Contact your State Election Division to have the candidate's packet and applications sent to you.Also contact County Registrar of Voters for help. They can help with registered voter lists that you can purchase by city. These lists are great for phone calling and mass mailing your campaign ads and contribution requests to citizens. Political committees ( which you will have when you file to run for office), are exempt from the National No-call list of phone marketing.
3 ) Your County Republican Party Central Committee establishment and Headquarters can help you. Attend your Republican Party Central committee meetings. Meet people there. You do not have to be a Central Committee member to attend ; the public is welcome. Run for Central Committee . These are on the regular ballot for voters to vote for. Expenses to run for this office are not reportable to the State Elections Division - Flyers, door hangings, phone calling voters, etc.
Election results ( winners and losers ) are published in the Orange County Register ( or your own local newspaper ) by Assembly District and number of votes are given.
In Orange County California, there are usually six to eight on the ballot, but as many as want to can run for those six to eight seats available in each Sate Assembly district.
Fundraising :
A. Contrary to many people's opinion, You DO NOT need to rely on Republican Party money to run for office. Purchase registered voter lists by city from your local County Registrar of Voters office. With these lists you can mass mail registered voters and request contributions. You may do this four, two or one year ahead of the year you want to run. You can do it 6 months before you run or whatever time you choose.
B. Contact safe seat elected Republican incumbent office holders and request contributions from them. You can go to [url=http://fec.gov] ( click here ) www.fec.gov[/url]and search any incumbents contribution campaign financial records to see their amount of cash on hand. At the appropriate time, you can contact the incumbents of your choice and request contributions from them.
C. Call the Federal Elections Commission and your State Elections Division and purchase the Federal and State Political Action Committee lists. You can then write to these Political Action Committees and request contributions. Non -Connected PACS are a category of their own, as are Labor PACS. Make sure to get the Non-connected PACs list as well as the others, as they do not need Party permission to give to you.
Remember: Your local Registrar of voter's office sets a deadline for all candidates to register to run. This is the deadline you must have to have your candidate signatures submitted to the Registrar Of Voters. For example in Orange County California, the deadline is usually around the second week in December prior to the election year.
The date for filing to run for office is set by your County Registrar Of Voters. For California 2008 it was Feb- March; the deadline for filing was in March.
You are allowed to campaign even when it is not an election year. At the point you raise or spend $ 1, 000.00 ( 'Thousand dollar Threshhold' ), you must register as a candidate committee and begin filing your expenditure and contribution reports at the appointed times.These are set out in the candidates packet you receive.
a. From the Federal Elections Commission if running for Federal office or
b. From your State Elections Division candidates packet if running for state
Let your community know you are running for office. Conservative radio stations offer great radio ad spots at great rates. Make the illegal alien invasion your main concern in these ads. You can buy bus stop ads at inexpensive rates, also roadside billboard space in your community.
Ask to be a speaker at meetings. Go to local Rotary club, women's clubs, Republican Central Committee meetings and other meetings in your area. Ask radio talk hosts to have you on as a guest .Where ever you are, in the grocery store, at meetings , you name it - hand out your business card: ' Joe Smith For Congress '. Handout fliers at these meetings and in front of grocery stores.
Make sure to advertise that you are standing against the illegal alien invasion and that this is your the utmost concern and vital issue, along with a strong economy
(lower taxes)and a strong national defense.
Ask your local supermarkets to allow you to have a table in front of their store on Saturdays and Sunday afternoons. Keep receipts of all expenses and contributions to your campaign You do not have to be registered to begin. Also, you are allowed by the FEC to be a speaker and promote yourself at 501- C 3 organization meetings.
Contact your County Registrar Of Voters and request a candidate's packet to be mailed to you.
If we are going to get a handle on the number one threat to America's borders , language, and culture - the illegal alien invasion - we must do it ourselves. Americans can defeat the illegal alien invasion. We must have a NATIONAL movement effort all across America to replace those office holders, Federally and on the State levelin every State of the Union, who have failed America. This we have to do by running for office ourselves and by encouraging our friends, family, acquaintances, and qualified like minded to do the same.
Another tip to get experience for running for U.S. Congress, U.S. Senate, Stae or local office - Ask your local U.S. Congressman , U.S. Senator , State Senator or State Assemblyman if you can intern in their
office .
Freshmen ( newly elected ) office holders of State and Federal offices are given a freshman's course when they are sworn in . Also, go to any websites about how the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives operate .GOOGLE 'How Congress Works'.
Go For It and Good Luck !
Sincerely, David Knittle
Saturday, December 20, 2008
So you thought you had no voice against moderate Republicans ( RINOS ) selling out America and the liberal bias media electing corrupt Democrats
Here's your answer to moderate Republicans ( RINOS )
cohorting with corrupt Democrats selling out America
and the liberal bias media electing and enabling
them .....
' Your Political Wings '
A website of empowerment for
Reagan Republican Consevatives
cohorting with corrupt Democrats selling out America
and the liberal bias media electing and enabling
them .....
' Your Political Wings '
A website of empowerment for
Reagan Republican Consevatives
Friday, December 19, 2008
Tired off Moderate Republicans ( RINOS ), the corrupt Democrats and the liberal bias media ?
Would you like to make a real difference ?
Tired of moderate 'Republicans'
( RINOS - Republicans in name only )
compromising Conservative principles, allying
themselves with unprincipled, self interested,
corrupt overtaxation theft, pro - illegal alien
Democrats such as Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi,
Harry Reid, Barbara Boxer,Tom Daschle
and others ?
Then ' Your Political Wings ' is for you.
For years they have used the liberal
bias media as their propaganda tool decieving the
American public, amounting to unfair free
campaign ads. " We have the media on our
side. "
- Quote from a Democrat operative on ABC's
'Nightline ' during the Clinton administration.
Your Political Wings - A website of empowerment !
Would you like to make a real difference ?
Tired of moderate 'Republicans'
( RINOS - Republicans in name only )
compromising Conservative principles, allying
themselves with unprincipled, self interested,
corrupt overtaxation theft, pro - illegal alien
Democrats such as Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi,
Harry Reid, Barbara Boxer,Tom Daschle
and others ?
Then ' Your Political Wings ' is for you.
For years they have used the liberal
bias media as their propaganda tool decieving the
American public, amounting to unfair free
campaign ads. " We have the media on our
side. "
- Quote from a Democrat operative on ABC's
'Nightline ' during the Clinton administration.
Your Political Wings - A website of empowerment !
Join ! Reagan's Renegades , Volunteers for 2010
Fri. 12/19/08
~ Reagan's Regiments national Grassroots
Activists , Volunteer for 2012 and beyond ....
To Join , click here - http://www.localpolitics.meetup.com/97/
~ Reagan's Regiments national Grassroots
Activists , Volunteer for 2012 and beyond ....
To Join , click here - http://www.localpolitics.meetup.com/97/
How To Start Your Own PAC - Political Action Committee - and The Awesome things It Can Do
Fri. 12/19/08' How To Start A PAC ' - Political Action Committee -
The kind of PAC I am showing you how to create is
called a 'Non -Connected PAC'
For info and a packet mailed to you, go to the Federal
Elections Commissions website:
or Call the FEC at (800) 424 - 9530
FECSpecialist are avilable to answer as many questions
as you may have.
A Non- Connected PAC is a powerful organization that you,
your friends, relativesand acquaintances can create
which will give you the POWER to influence voters with
the truth to vote out the corrupt pro-illegal
alien Democrats. With your PAC you can:
A. Raise money from regular citizens, and Congressmen
B. To do hard hitting, truth telling positive and negative
attack ads through mass mailing,radio ads and T.V. ads,
even on the Internet against the corrupt pro-illegal
alien Democrats.
C. Raise and contribute money to give to Anti-illegal alien
invasion candidates and incumbents.
*D.http://Aristotle.com - A private company which is an
all encompassing aid for PAC fundraising and Federal
Elections Commission report filing, campaign strategizing
for your PAC, and running for public office.
Aristotle services can be obtained at :
This is the best, but not the only one.
The kind of PAC I am showing you how to create is
called a 'Non -Connected PAC'
For info and a packet mailed to you, go to the Federal
Elections Commissions website:
or Call the FEC at (800) 424 - 9530
FECSpecialist are avilable to answer as many questions
as you may have.
A Non- Connected PAC is a powerful organization that you,
your friends, relativesand acquaintances can create
which will give you the POWER to influence voters with
the truth to vote out the corrupt pro-illegal
alien Democrats. With your PAC you can:
A. Raise money from regular citizens, and Congressmen
B. To do hard hitting, truth telling positive and negative
attack ads through mass mailing,radio ads and T.V. ads,
even on the Internet against the corrupt pro-illegal
alien Democrats.
C. Raise and contribute money to give to Anti-illegal alien
invasion candidates and incumbents.
*D.http://Aristotle.com - A private company which is an
all encompassing aid for PAC fundraising and Federal
Elections Commission report filing, campaign strategizing
for your PAC, and running for public office.
Aristotle services can be obtained at :
This is the best, but not the only one.
How To Do your Own Ads Against Democrats With Your Own Money
To do this, one may do what are called ' Independent
Expenditures 'with your own unlimited amount. There are no
amount limits on how much money you can spend doing this.
One does not file as a candidate against another candidate,
nor as a PAC to do this. It is a feature provided by the
Federal Elections Commission to any citizen who would like
to spend their own money campaigning against any Federal
candidate or incumbent, even in non- election years.
To find out all about this incredible opportunity,go to
http://www.fec.gov, then click 'libraries'. Then Click
'Independent Wxpenditures'. You will see these links titled:
Forms for Other Filers
Form 5 Report of Independent Expenditures Made and Contributions Received filed by individuals or groups (Form 5 Instructions)
Form 7 Report of Communication Costs by Corporations and Membership Organizations (Includes Instructions)
Form 9 24-Hour Notice of Disbursements/Obligations for Electioneering Communications filed by individuals and groups (Form 9 Instructions)
Those are your links and forms.
You will see the links provide above.
The reporting requirements are actually very simple:
1) Any amount above $ 250.00 spent is reported every
quarter in which expenditure is spent on ads,
what have you.
2) Any amount$ 10,000.00 or more is reported within
24 hrs. that it is spent.
3) Also any spent before or within 20 days of election
must be reported within 24 hrs.
4) Mostly this only has to do with Form 5 feature below,
but others included with.( From 20 day rule don't
remember if it's any amount spent or $ 10,000.00
must be reported within 24 hrs. )
5) Your own money is used, money used ( expenditures
spent )is not taxed.
6)Internet costs, expenditures,are not reportable
costs.( FEC exemption ).
7) Must include a ' disclaimer '( your name and mailing
address )on ads , mailers, radio commercials, cable TV,
Regular TV : Paid for by Joe Sixpack,
1000 E. Country Road
Somewhere in CA, 92801
8) One can do this 'to support the election or defeat'
of any U.S. Presidential, U.S. Congressional
candidate : House of Representaives, U.S. Senate
( Contact your State Elections Division for State
Candidates - Can do same 'Independent Expenditures
packet in support of the election or defeat of State
candidates ' with your own money, but must be filed
with State Elections Division. )
9) FEC Specialists are there to answer any
questions, Mon - Fri. 5:00 am - 1:30pm PST
toll free( 800 )424-9530
- David K.
To do this, one may do what are called ' Independent
Expenditures 'with your own unlimited amount. There are no
amount limits on how much money you can spend doing this.
One does not file as a candidate against another candidate,
nor as a PAC to do this. It is a feature provided by the
Federal Elections Commission to any citizen who would like
to spend their own money campaigning against any Federal
candidate or incumbent, even in non- election years.
To find out all about this incredible opportunity,go to
http://www.fec.gov, then click 'libraries'. Then Click
'Independent Wxpenditures'. You will see these links titled:
Forms for Other Filers
Form 5 Report of Independent Expenditures Made and Contributions Received filed by individuals or groups (Form 5 Instructions)
Form 7 Report of Communication Costs by Corporations and Membership Organizations (Includes Instructions)
Form 9 24-Hour Notice of Disbursements/Obligations for Electioneering Communications filed by individuals and groups (Form 9 Instructions)
Those are your links and forms.
You will see the links provide above.
The reporting requirements are actually very simple:
1) Any amount above $ 250.00 spent is reported every
quarter in which expenditure is spent on ads,
what have you.
2) Any amount$ 10,000.00 or more is reported within
24 hrs. that it is spent.
3) Also any spent before or within 20 days of election
must be reported within 24 hrs.
4) Mostly this only has to do with Form 5 feature below,
but others included with.( From 20 day rule don't
remember if it's any amount spent or $ 10,000.00
must be reported within 24 hrs. )
5) Your own money is used, money used ( expenditures
spent )is not taxed.
6)Internet costs, expenditures,are not reportable
costs.( FEC exemption ).
7) Must include a ' disclaimer '( your name and mailing
address )on ads , mailers, radio commercials, cable TV,
Regular TV : Paid for by Joe Sixpack,
1000 E. Country Road
Somewhere in CA, 92801
8) One can do this 'to support the election or defeat'
of any U.S. Presidential, U.S. Congressional
candidate : House of Representaives, U.S. Senate
( Contact your State Elections Division for State
Candidates - Can do same 'Independent Expenditures
packet in support of the election or defeat of State
candidates ' with your own money, but must be filed
with State Elections Division. )
9) FEC Specialists are there to answer any
questions, Mon - Fri. 5:00 am - 1:30pm PST
toll free( 800 )424-9530
- David K.
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